W, India's leading fashion brand, debuted its latest Move360 collection at its largest experiential store in Mumbai today. Mira Rajput Kapoor, a celebrity influencer, was spotted at the high-profile event wearing the Lilac Move360 Co-ord set from the latest collection. The Move360 Collection, designed for the modern Indian woman, is ideal for a variety of settings, including work, travel, casual or formal get-togethers. The W Move360 collection, with its lightweight and breathable fabrics, is an ideal choice for summers when you need comfortable, flowy, and breathable clothes that look stylish.
The launch event was attended by a slew of fashion influencers and top Bollywood stylists, who were seen trying on various looks from the new collection. Wrap dresses, jumpsuits, co-ord sets, summer tops, and skirts are among the styles in the collection. The entire collection is modern, comfortable, and chic, and is aimed at women who are willing to experiment with new styles and push the boundaries of traditional silhouettes, thereby challenging fashion norms. Breathable fabrics, metallic accents, thread embroidery, and a variety of silhouettes are featured in the collection. The colour scheme is sophisticated, energetic, vibrant, and floral, with hues ranging from bubble-gum pinks to celery green and olive to lime yellows and light lavender.
Speaking about the collection, Mira Kapoor said, "I'm thrilled to be present at the Move360 collection launch by W. Move360 means wearing something that makes you look stylish and comfortable in every setting, whether you're at work, traveling, or just casually hanging out with friends. The collection looks very fresh and very modern compared to whatever I've seen in the past. I loved the fusion wear jumpsuits, wrap dresses and co-ord sets that are easy, breezy and perfect for this season."
Talking about the launch, Anant Daga, Managing Director, TCNS Clothing Co. Ltd. said, "At W, we've always believed in keeping the consumers need at the core of whatever we do. Our latest collection - Move360, is another step in that direction. During summers, our consumers want to wear something that's light, airy, and comfortable. They want something that allows them to move freely throughout the day at work, home or in whichever setting they are, and our new collection does exactly that. With breathable fabrics like cotton for utmost comfort, this collection is designed for women who want to look stylish while on the move."
The new collection will be fashionable and trendy to a younger fashion-first audience looking for style, design, and comfort. In addition to the Move360 collection, women who visit the W store will enjoy a full shopping experience with a carefully curated assortment from various categories. This season, consumers can create a complete head-to-toe look under one roof thanks to a new range of W footwear, cosmetics, and jewellery.
The complete collection is available at exclusive W outlets and www.wforwoman.com, in addition to large format stores, multi-brand outlets and online retailers.