10th April, Mumbai: At the BJP Foundation Day event in Thane on April 7, 2023, Simran Dhanwani, a well-known social media influencer and YouTube star, recently earned the "Pride of Thane" Award. The well-known celebrity wins the distinction of being among the most influential persons.
Swati Bhat
Simran has always provided the best possible content for her vlogs, which has won her viewers' hearts and admiration, from producing comedy content to dancing to in-person videos to vlogging her daily activities. Her content has always been distinct because she creates her videos independently and with the bare minimum of expenses, allowing other emerging creators to learn from her ideas. The amount of hard work and dedication she has put into her craft appears to be paying off. Simran was honoured in the presence of dignitaries such as Niranjan Davkhare (BJP Thane District Chief & MLA), Satish Nikam (BJP Maharashtra IT Cell Chief), Kripashankar Singh (BJP Maharashtra Vice-president and Former Home Minister), and Vilas Sathe (BJP Thane General Secretary).
Simran's communiqué about the honour she received.,” I am truly honored to receive this award, It feels like all the hard work and dedication is finally paying off. I’m so grateful to everyone who has been a part of my journey and I’m incredibly thankful to my Fans for the love they have always showered, they keep me going. Each day I’m learning and exploring the craft to expand my knowledge and I hope I give the justice to it and work even more to make my audience proud.”