Anurag Kashyap's 'Kennedy' is the only Indian film to be screened in the Midnight Screening Section at Cannes 2023.
Swati Bhat

Kennedy is an insomniac ex-cop who was long supposed to be dead yet is still working for the corrupt system while seeking forgiveness. The initial poster depicts the lead characters, Rahul Bhat wearing a mask and Sunny Leone screaming in front of a door. The poster is made in a red and black motif while the pistol and blood stains eyes towards a strange scenario the viewer would get to see in the film, very well justifying its genre of police noir.
In an interview with Variety, Kashyap revealed that the character of Kennedy has been a source of fascination for him for years, and that it began when fellow Indian filmmaker Sudhir Mishra approached him to write a cop narrative set in the 1980s. He revealed that even though the film was never created, the role stuck with him. "Then there's an actual incident that occurred during the lockdown that sparked an idea." "Imagine if that kind of character existed during the lockdown surrounding that incident, and a fictional story was written based on events that occurred during the lockdown," he explained.
Furthermore, coming from the house of Anurag Kashyap, who is known for giving us many thriller films, 'Kennedy' will be interesting to see.
Anurag Kashyap penned and directed 'Kennedy', which stars Rahul Bhat and Sunny Leone. Zed Studios and Good Bad Films' Ranjan Singh and Kabir Ahuja produced the film. Sylvester Fonseca is the film's director of photography. Ashish Narula composed the film's music, which was co-written by Aamir Aziz and Boyblanck. Tanya Chhabria and Deepak Kattar work on the film's editing. Kunal Sharma and Dr. Akshay Indikar created the film's sound design.