On Wednesday in Lucknow, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath met with the cast and crew of the freshly released movie "The Kerala Story." Actress Adah Sharma, director Sudipto Sen, and producer Vipul Amrutlal Shah were welcomed by CM Yogi.
Pritish Bagdi
The crew reviewed the movie with CM Yogi during the meeting, and Vipul Shah persuaded him to see it. The film was proclaimed tax-free in the state earlier on Tuesday by the CM.
"'The Kerala Story' to be made tax-free in Uttar Pradesh," CM Yogi tweeted. While expressing gratitude for making the film tax-free in UP, director Sudipto Sen exclusively told ANI, "We came to thank the Honorable Chief Minister to declare the film tax-free and giving a chance to the citizen of Uttar Pradesh to watch this film." Producer Vipul Shah communiqué with ANI, "Uttar Pradesh government and Yogi ji have taken this step and boosted our morale a lot and strengthened our thinking. He has sent a very powerful message to the people due to audiences are watching this film in large numbers. So we are very thankful to the CM that it happened."
At a special showing of the movie on May 12 at the Lok Bhawan, the chief minister and his cabinet members are also most likely to attend. Prior to this, on May 6, Madhya Pradesh rendered the movie tax-free in the state.
The Kerala Story is based on the widespread Hindu conversion and terrorist involvement of young women in Kerala.
The team commended the Yogi government's efforts to prevent "love jihad" and conversion, as well as the law (Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Ordinance, 2020).