Incentives for Audio Visual Co-Productions with Foreign Countries
Read further to know, what will they get?
Swati Bhat
Reimbursement of 30% of Qualifying Co-Production Expenditure (QPE) incurred in India subject to a cap of INR 20 Million (approx.US$ 244,000).
1.) Projects granted Official Co-Production status by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and any countries with bilateral Audio Visual Co-Production treaties with India are eligible.
2) India has Official Audio Visual Co-Production treaties with Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Israel, Korea, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, and the United Kingdom.
Incentives for the Production of Foreign Films in India
What you get:
1.) Reimbursement of 30% of Qualifying Production Expenditure (QPE) incurred in India up to INR 20 Million (approx.US$ 244,000).
2.) Additional 5% of QPE capped at INR 5 Million (approximately US$ 60,000) as a bonus for employing 15% or more Indian workforce.
3) Minimum Qualifying Production Expenditure to be INR 25 Million (approximately US$ 325,000). Minimum QPE does not apply to documentaries.
4) Can be combined with filming incentives offered by State Governments
The following projects are eligible to apply
1.) Feature Films/ Animation Feature Films/ Reality Television Shows/Web Shows or Series/Animation Series, etc. produced by Non-Indian production companies granted permission by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
2.) Documentaries by foreign producers granted permission by the Ministry of External Affairs.
3.) Postproductions, Visual Effects, or Animation Projects.
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