Ministry of Culture operates two schemes namely Museum Grant Scheme (MGS) and Scheme for Promotion of Culture of Science (SPoCS), one of the components of which is development/modification of existing museums and modernization/upgradation of existing Science Cities/Science Centers/Innovation Hubs respectively.
These schemes aim to provide financial assistance to modernize/upgrade and create a congenial spatial setting for diverse exhibitions, galleries and visitors amenities in the existing Museums and Science Cities/Science Centers/Innovation Hubs. One of the components under Museum Grant Scheme is Digitization of Museum Collections which primarily focuses on digitization of museum collection.
During the last two years (2020-21 and 2021-22), 8 museums have been funded under Museum Grant Scheme for development/modernization of existing museums. Similarly, 13 Science Cities/Science Centers/Innovation Hubs have been funded under Scheme for Promotion of Culture of Science for modernization, renovation and improvement of existing facilities.
This reply was given by Minister of Culture, Tourism and Development of North Eastern Region Shri G. Kishan Reddy in Rajya Sabha today.